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Steeds wisselende landschappen van Johannesburg tot Kaapstad.
Tempels van Azteken, Tolteken, Maya's...
De stad op 14 eilanden.
Kerken, kathedralen, kastelen en bastides in Europa.
Tempels, pagodes en stoepa's in het Oosten.
Moskeeën en paleizen.
Stockholm, Zweden
Luxor, Egypte
Kaapstad, Zuid-Afrika
Beijing, China
Helsinki, Finland
Death Valley National Park, Californië, VS
Grand Canyon National Park, AZ, VS
Petra / Wadi Musa, Jordanië
Lake Louise, Alberta, Canada
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Aya Sofia
Ever-changing landscapes from Johannesburg to Cape Town.
Temples of the Aztecs, Toltecs, Mayans ...
The city on 14 islands.
Churches, cathedrals, castles and fortified towns in Europe.
Temples, pagodas and stupas in the East.
Mosques and palaces.
Stockholm, Sweden
Luxor, Egypt
Cape Town, South Africa
Beijing, China
Helsinki, Finland
Death Valley National Park, California, USA
Grand Canyon National Park, AZ, USA
Petra / Wadi Musa, Jordan
Lake Louise, Alberta, Canada
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More video: Click on the names of continents or countries!